Improve Testing: Arrange-Act-Assert

Improve Testing: Arrange-Act-Assert

The Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) pattern is a widely used testing pattern that helps structure unit tests in a clear and understandable manner. Here's an expanded explanation of each section:

  1. Arrange: In this section, you set up the preconditions and context for the test. This involves creating any necessary objects, configuring dependencies, and preparing the environment for the action you're going to test. It's essentially the setup phase of your test.


     // Arrange
     var calculator = new Calculator();
     int a = 10;
     int b = 5;
  2. Act: This is where you perform the actual action or behaviour that you want to test. This could be invoking a method, calling a function, or executing a piece of code that you're interested in verifying.


     // Act
     int result = calculator.Add(a, b);
  3. Assert: In this final section, you verify that the action performed in the Act phase has produced the expected results. You make assertions about the state of the system or the output produced by the action.


     // Assert
     Assert.Equal(15, result);

By following the AAA pattern, your tests become more organized, easier to read, and maintainable. Each section serves a distinct purpose, making it clear what the test is doing and what it's verifying. Additionally, it encourages good testing practices such as isolation of concerns and separation of setup from verification.